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‘必一运动·(B-Sports)官方网站’清除公厕恶臭 中国科学家出新招

发布日期:2024-10-08 07:10 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Using public toilets in China can often be a challenging undertaking, particularly for those not practiced in the art of squatting. But researchers in China have come up with a new technology that they say can help eliminate one of the most noxious of problems to plague China’s public lavatories: the overpowering stench.在中国,用于公共厕所往往是一件极具挑战性的事情,对那些无法娴熟深蹲的人而言特别是在如此。

Using public toilets in China can often be a challenging undertaking, particularly for those not practiced in the art of squatting. But researchers in China have come up with a new technology that they say can help eliminate one of the most noxious of problems to plague China’s public lavatories: the overpowering stench.在中国,用于公共厕所往往是一件极具挑战性的事情,对那些无法娴熟深蹲的人而言特别是在如此。但中国的研究人员发明者了一项新技术,称之为这项技术能协助避免后遗症中国公厕的最相当严重的问题之一:难闻的臭味。Unlike chemical solutions, which are expensive and can be harmful to the environment, the new biotreatment is being touted as an environmentally friendly, cost-effective way to resolve up to 75 percent of the odors in bathrooms, according to researchers with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.不同于便宜且有可能严重威胁环境的化学手段,这个新的生物处置办法被称作一种环保、经济的方式,中国科学院的研究人员称之为,这个办法能分解成高达75%的公厕臭气。

The science behind the treatment lies in a special mixture of two types of bacteria — lactobacillius sp and streptococcus thermopiles — as well as the essence of tangerines. The prepared mixture, which comes in liquid or powder form, feeds on human waste when applied, thereby precluding the growth of aroma-making bacteria.这一处置办法背后的技术原理牵涉到一种类似的混合物,该混合物由两类细菌——乳杆菌类细菌和嗜冷链球菌——和橘子香精构成。事前备好的这种混合物呈圆形液体或粉末状,用于时会分解成人类排泄物,从而避免宽出会产生气味的细菌。Not yet available in supermarkets, the odor-killing technology is still undergoing testing, said Yan Zhiying, a bacteriologist at the Chengdu Institute of Biology and the lead researcher on the project.成都生物研究所的细菌学家、该项目的首席研究员闫志英回应,这种除味技术目前还处在测试阶段,仍未向市场发售。

Large-scale experiments with the solution are being planned in the Huanglong Nature Preserve and Jiuzhaigou National Park, both popular tourist destinations in Sichuan Province.涉及人员于是以计划在四川的黄龙自然保护区和九寨沟景区对该方案展开大规模试验,这两个地方都是热门的旅游景点。The technology is especially suited for use in the nonflushing toilets often found in these types of nature preserves, Mr. Yan said, since water regulations in these areas are often very strict and plumbing is difficult to install.闫志英回应,该技术特别是在限于于非冲水式厕所。自然保护区常常不会经常出现这种厕所,因为那些地区的用水规定往往十分严苛,并且很难加装管道系统。

Mr. Yan added that portable bathrooms, while convenient, are relatively expensive to maintain compared with the biosolution.闫志英接着说道,便携厕所虽然便利,但和这个生物处置办法比,维修费用比较便宜。“This way tourists can see that not only are your mountains nice, but the toilets and the other facilities at the site are pleasant as well,” said Mr. Yan, who said that the technology has other applications as well, such as the treatment of landfills.“通过这个办法,游客不会找到,不仅你这里的山美,景区的厕所和其他设施也很好,”闫志英说道。他回应,该技术还有其他用途,比如应用于垃圾填埋场。

If claims to its effectiveness prove true, the technology is likely to be embraced by the Chinese health authorities. In February 2013, the Ministry of Health issued a draft regulation setting standards for public toilets. The regulations, which prompted much snickering from the public, included guidelines on the number of flies allowed per square meter and the level of odor permissible in certain types of bathrooms.如果事实证明,关于其有效性的众说纷纭是知道,该技术可能会被中国卫生机构全面接纳。2013年2月,卫生部发布了一份关于公共厕所制订标准的草案。

惹来许多民众偷笑的涉及规定标明了每平米容许的苍蝇数量,以及特定类型厕所容许的臭味水平等明确标准。On a scale of one to four for strength of odor, four being the strongest, free-standing bathrooms must be less than two — or only “slightly smelly” — while public bathrooms must be less than one and have “no odor,” the regulations said.在臭味强度的4个等级中,4级是臭味最弱的。涉及规定称之为,独立式公厕臭味强度必需大于相等2级——即不能“微有臭味”——而附属式公厕臭味强度必需为1级,即“无臭味”。


